Attention: SWFL ResourceLink is a third party resource directory and is not directly affiliated with "Partners For Breast Cancer, Inc". For questions and concerns related to "Partners For Breast Cancer, Inc" and their services, please contact them directly.

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Partners For Breast Cancer, Inc

Do You Need A Mammogram? Partners for Breast Cancer Care can help! To qualify for a Free Mammogram, you must: -Live in Lee County full time year round. -Have a Social Security card and Lee county photo ID. - A Prescription from a doctor for Breast Care. - Be uninsured or considered Underinsured. - Meet the financial guidelines: $2,452 a month or less for a single person. $3,318 a month or less for a family of two. $4,185 a month or less for a family of three. $5,052 a month or less for family of four. $5,918 a month or less for a family of five or more. Partners for breast cancer care funds breast screening and diagnostic testing to rule out or diagnose breast cancer. Call (239)454-8583 by APPOINTMENT ONLY!
Serving: Lee County

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