Attention: SWFL ResourceLink is a third party resource directory and is not directly affiliated with "Collier County Health Department - Naples". For questions and concerns related to "Collier County Health Department - Naples" and their services, please contact them directly.
Provider details
Collier County Health Department - Naples
Collier County Health Department provides health care, human services, and environmental services to residents of Collier County, Florida. Our medical and other programs help keep you, your family, and the public healthy. We offer health centers (clinics) with doctors and nurses, immunizations (shots for school and travel), STD and pregnancy tests, WIC, dental, HIV/AIDS services - including Ryan White, HOPWA* (Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS) ADAP (AIDS Drug Assistance Program) and AICP (AIDS Insurance Continuation Program), wellness programs in the community, insulin distribution program, and much more.
*(The HOPWA program offers temporary financial assistance for rent, utilities, and mortgage payments during financial hardships.)
Collier County